Health. Strength. Longevity. Mastery.
Since 2008, these have been my guiding values as a health and fitness coach, author and blogger.
Thanks for stopping by to learn more about me and the site.
Here on AdamFarrah.com I work to deliver high-quality, original and results-driven ideas and content centered around these areas:
- Real food, Paleo and autoimmune eating
- Fitness training for regular people over 40 and over 50
- Kettlebell training
- Home and garage gym training
- Healing ulcerative colitis naturally with food and lifestyle
- Medical marijuana, CBD and cannabis medicine
- Spiritual, emotional and trauma healing
- Meditation, yoga and other practices as they relate to health and healing
The above all interrelate and create a foundation for health, strength, longevity and mastery in my own life.
If one or more of the above areas are important in your life too, you’re in the right place!
Warehouse Gyms, Kettlebells and Functional Fitness
For over a decade, I’ve coached people of all ages, occupations, health status and levels of experience. My clients have included attorneys, nurses, a pastry chef, students, small business owners, combat veterans, martial artists and full-contact fighters.
The specific training methods I’ve developed and refined over the past decade-plus get exceptional results.
Since 2008 I’ve been actively involved as a coach in what could broadly be classified “functional fitness.”
Functional fitness is best described as physical exercise or training that prepares one to function in a sport, profession or daily life at a higher level of strength, stamina and fitness.
It’s popular with first responders, LEOs, marital artists and the military – particularly in special operations circles.
It’s also popular with people who want a fast and effective workout that’s fun and uses minimal, simple equipment.
My exposure to the training style came through my involvement in mixed marital arts and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the meeting of some key coaches and mentors and later as a coach and gym owner.
Think of functional fitness as an eclectic blend of training equipment and styles.
Things like kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells and sandbags. Methodologies like CrossFit and HIIT. Niche training like powerlifting, Pavel’s ETK and S&S or old school 5×5 barbell training.
If the above sound familiar, you’re in the right place. If not, don’t worry, the above methods and everything else I teach in the fitness realm are fun to do and massively effective.
Kettlebell Training and Martial Arts
During my years of serious involvement with Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I was privileged to spend significant time with Mr. Roy Harris and Dr. Mark Cheng.
This was my introduction to Hardstyle and RKC kettlebell training, as well as some of the deepest and most profound insights imaginable about the depth and nuance of kettlebells as a lifetime fitness tool.
My time with these two exceptional teachers and marital artists profoundly influenced how I approach and teach kettlebells – particularly to other martial artists.
I’ve spent more than a decade learning, applying and refining the most effective and efficient kettlebell training techniques for:
- Creating explosive power from the hips and core
- Rejuvenating, rehabilitating and strengthening backs, hips and shoulders
- Applying kettlebell and fitness training to martial arts and self-defense
- Building robust strength, mobility, flexibility and longevity into the body over time
Training with Exceptional Mentors
I’ve relentlessly sought out mentoring with world-class experts and coaches in every area. I’m an exceptional coach because I’ve had exceptional coaches.
Since 2008 and my entry into full-time coaching I’ve sought out exceptional mentors.
I’ve had the privilege to train with some of the greats in health and fitness. These include Steve Cotter, Roy Harris, Ken Blackburn, Louie Simmons and Westside Barbell, Laura Phelps, Dr. Mark Cheng and others.
I can cut through all the marketing hype and BS in the fitness world and lead you to real results in as short a time possible and while avoiding injury and stagnation.
An Early Paleo Writer and Pioneer

Beginning as early as 2011, I was known as someone who had successfully healed ulcerative colitis with a Paleo diet and lifestyle approach.
This led to a number of opportunities to write and speak.
I’ve written three books on health, healing and Paleo eating with more on the way. My first book was published over a decade ago.

I later co-authored a book entitled The Paleo Miracle 2: Women of Strength. This book featured a number of the success stories I had a hand in creating. In it were the amazing stories of some of the exceptional women I met and worked with during my early years as a coach and blogger.

I’ve written hundreds of articles in print and online about autoimmune and Paleo eating, slower, more conscious living and the deeper spiritual aspects of healing, health and medical cannabis.

I’ve written fitness articles for large and respected publications like MILO, TRAIN Magazine and Paleo Magazine.
Public Speaking and Teaching
For more than a decade I’ve spoken in person and online about Paleo and real food eating, healing inflammatory bowel disease, intelligent and sustainable fitness and medical cannabis.
An Early Adopter of Medical Cannabis for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Since 2014 I’ve been an early adopter of the medical marijuana wave that’s been building on the West Coast for nearly two decades.
I very successfully use medical marijuana as my only medication for ulcerative colitis.
Medical marijuana is life-changing medicine for inflammatory bowel disease.
If you want to learn about medical marijuana, cannabis science, THC, CBD, terpenes and everything else related to the medical use of cannabis, you’re in the right place!
Spirituality in Health and Healing
For more than a decade, I’ve explored the more esoteric and spiritual side of health and healing.
[Ancient Knowledge first page.]
My post, Exploring the Spiritual Meaning of Ulcerative Colitis, is the most popular on my site and unlike anything you can find elsewhere. It takes a deep dive on chakras, energy work and deeper meanings and causes of digestive illness. It explores the link between trauma, PTSD, ulcerative colitis and other illness.
About the “B.S.” in “Adam Farrah, B.S.”
In case you were wondering what the “B.S.” is for, I studied science and chemistry in college and have a bachelor’s degree in chemistry cum laude from the University of Connecticut.
Having a foundation and formal education in an actual science helps immensely in what I do now as a coach and author.
Let Me Simplify Things for You
I’ve dedicated my life to finding and developing sustainable methods that create health, strength, longevity and mastery.
I’ve also dedicated a lifetime to my written and verbal communication and the ability to convey information.
- Over 40 or over 50 and looking to create sustainable health and fitness results?
- Struggling with ulcerative colitis and need answers about how to eat and live?
- Interested in medical marijuana and CBD for inflammatory bowel disease, PTSD and other health issues?
- Do you want health and fitness information that’s real, raw, honest and effective?
- Interested in deeper spiritual topics as they relate to life, health and healing?
You’re in the right place!
Take a look around, download some of the free resources and contact me any time through the form here on the site or by hitting Reply to any of the email messages you receive when you become a subscriber.
Talk to you soon!