‘Tis the season alright…
It’s the season when most people start to really mess up on their diet and fitness. There’s a lot of peer pressure and parties and bad food going around. Office parties were always my favorite. I remember how there would always be some high sugar, high fat something or other sitting in the company kitchen when I walked through there around 3:00pm. That’s all you need in front of you on a cold, sleepy day – an unguarded cake or box of donuts. Mmmmmmm…. Sprinkles…..
Of course, it’s not just your diet that’s at issue here. There are plenty of parties to go to that will result in plenty of late nights. And plenty of late weeknights. This means you’ll have the chance to either miss your evening workout or be too tired for your morning workout.
My question is: what are YOU going to do? Are you going to take mid-November to Jan 1 as one long screw-up on your diet and training and all your hard work or are you going to stay strong and keep doing what you know you should – no bullshit and no excuses?
It’s very easy to say “yeah, my diet and training is all screwed up from the holidays.” And most people will be happy to commiserate with you, “Yeah, I hear you! January 1 I’ll have to get back on track…”
Is that what you want for yourself? Do you really want to start the New Year off feeling like crap with a ton of work to do? Or do you want to START 2011 in BETTER shape than you are right now? How about making 2011 the best, most successful, healthiest and hardest training year of your life?
One last round of questions: Where will you be the NEXT year – 2012 – if you give your very best training and diet effort every day from here on out? What’s possible if you work through the holidays and the next year with 100% effort and commitment? You could start 2011 with every one of your training, fitness and health goals achieved and be setting new ones that don’t even seem possible today.
It’s easier than you think. Check out the outstanding book The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson if you don’t believe me. You CAN get where you want to be and you get there one tiny step – one small decision – at a time. As Tony Robbins says: “little changes accumulate to create BIG changes!”
Here’s a quick and easy action plan for you:
- RIGHT NOW write out three to five physical goals for yourself. Where do you want your health, fitness and training to be in January? Make them challenging but achievable in the next few months with hard work.
- COMMIT to achieving these goals. Read them EVERY SINGLE DAY when you get up in the morning and before you go to bed. Tape them to your bathroom mirror or a kitchen cabinet or your computer. Hell, tape them EVERYWHERE. Tell people who are supportive of you what you’re going to do. If you have a coach, tell your coach and ask for support.
You will be VERY surprised at the results this very simple technique will produce. In fact, you’re almost guaranteed to be sitting back on January 1, 2011 with whatever you wrote down achieved.
If you need some help setting diet goals, check out my free eBook download Making the Paleolithic Diet Work for You. There’s a box at the top right where you can get it…
Good luck. Happy Holidays. And let me know if I can help.
Originally posted [http://crossfit-middletown.com/crossfit-blog/keeping-on-track-holidays] in 2009. Edited for relevance.
YES. 4 friends & I are doing a 30-day challenge for the month of November. The carrot I proposed to them was that then December could just be about maintenance. But I believe that once they see what they accomplished in 4 weeks, they’ll be willing to keep working hard in December as well!
My holiday strategy is to eat perfectly for every non-party meal. Then at gatherings I will splurge on only 2 servings of unhealthy stuff. Thus, they will be my very favorite items. Mashed potatoes & stuffing, nope, not worth it. Pumpkin pie & pecan pie, yes please! (The key to this is two SERVINGS. Not just whatever giant slice is already cut.) Good enough for the brain without derailing my goal train.
Enjoy the pecan pie, Sabrina! Mmmmmmmmmmm…..