Don’t let ulcerative colitis keep eroding your quality of life, health and peace of mind! An experienced ulcerative colitis coach can make all the difference!
Here are some important questions about your UC…
Do you have constant anxiety around food choices?
Are you maintaining a consistent and healthy body weight?
Are you free of flare-ups or are you living in fear of the next one?
Are your stools non-urgent, well-formed and free of blood and mucus?
Do you struggle with digestive discomfort and abdominal gas and pain sometimes? Always?
Are you in a flare-up now?
Are you wondering if one is coming?
Are you always in a “sort of” flare-up?
What about medication?
Are you using medication now? Is it working? Are you being pressured into a biologic for UC?
Have you developed antibodies to a biologic you’re already taking?
Are you losing hours and hours “going down the rabbit hole” with ulcerative colitis and alternative healing content online?
The Path to Healing Ulcerative Colitis
I’m Adam Farrah, B.S. and I know what that’s like.
I know what it’s like to battle ulcerative colitis.
- The preoccupation with gut discomfort and bathroom availability.
- Flare-ups at the worst possible times. (There’s actually a reason for this which isn’t widely understood.)
- The constant anxiety and uncertainty around food choices. (This is quite easy to fix.)
- Anxiety around social situations, work situations, traffic jams and sometimes even just going to the store.
I know what it’s like to battle ulcerative colitis and I also know what it takes to win that battle.
And I know that this isn’t a journey to embark on alone.
There are many nuances and tricks. There are A LOT of pitfalls to watch for.
There are things only an experienced coach – one who has had UC and healed and then gone on to heal others – can show you.
You only get one shot at this.
Make it count!
I got a message from a client not long ago. Here’s part of it:
Hello Adam,
I am home from the colonoscopy. Everything went great!! My GI said that my recovery is remarkable and everything looks really good. He did say that there are still some spots that are healing from my severe flareup a year and a half ago, but it all looks really, really good!
S.G. Ohio
Here’s another one from a different client:
I have been doing well… I have stayed pretty good with my dieting. I haven’t had any issues with my uc… My new doctor even asked me if I had UC! I don’t think he believed me so that’s a good thing. He is going to look at lowering my meds and is on board with me going all natural…
M.C. Ohio
From Near-Death with Ulcerative Colitis in 2004 to Thriving Health and Over a Decade in Remission in 2024
Ulcerative colitis is well behind me now, but that wasn’t always the case.
When I was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis in 2004, I was 32 years old.
Ulcerative colitis took most of my 30s and some of my 40s.
I was told several times by doctors that I’d lose my colon within 10 years. (Back in 2004. I’ve still got it.)
I was told I’d need to be on medication for the rest of my life. And still the best I could hope for was to “manage my disease.”
And possibly still lose my colon.
I’m not sure ulcerative colitis can be any more severe than mine was back then.
I tried everything:
- I did the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, Zone, Zone-Paleo, Keto, Paleo, Paleo-Keto.
- I fermented my own raw cow and goat milk yogurt and kefir.
- I did short fasts and long fasts. A few were around a week. One was even longer.
- I spent a fortune on naturopaths and healers and nutritional supplements.
- I did hundreds of hours of yoga, meditation and emotional work
- I bought a juicer and juiced pounds and pounds of greens and vegetables.
- I used all kinds of pills and powders and probiotics.
Managing and Healing with Diet and Lifestyle
There IS a path through all the confusion and chaos of ulcerative colitis.
I’ve been free of ulcerative colitis, digestive pain, blood and flare-ups for over a decade.
I take no medication.
I’ve taught others across the U.S. and throughout the world to heal and live without ulcerative colitis symptoms since 2011.
With or without medication, a detailed food and lifestyle plan and an experienced mentor are essential to staying on top of UC and avoiding the ups and downs of flare-ups and worse.
What if you didn’t have to think about UC so much anymore?
Or about what your next meal should be?
What if it could be YOU writing the next testimonial like the ones above?
What if you could…
- Have an individualized and fine-tuned assortment of foods and meals that you eat consistently, digest in comfort and that keep you healthy and out of flare-ups.
- Have certainty with food choices. No more guessing, worrying, Googling or uncertainty around food anymore.
- Consistently feel good, digest comfortably and know you’re moving forward and in the right direction.
- Have a solid, reliable and effective plan for your health and healing journey.
- Reliably move your calprotectin and other health markers in the right direction.
- Possibly reduce or discontinue medications with medical supervision.
And, maybe most importantly, you’ll actually have support.
You’ll have an experienced and proven coach – who’s been coaching professionally since 2011.
A coach who is not only empathic and caring but also who knows what works and what doesn’t for ulcerative colitis.
Effective and Proven Coaching for Ulcerative Colitis – Since 2011
If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired with ulcerative colitis, I can help!
Click the link below and let me know you’re interested in one-on-one coaching for ulcerative colitis.
If you qualify, we’ll arrange a free, no-obligation Zoom consultation and discuss your situation with ulcerative colitis, possible steps forward and coaching options to support you.
Enough is enough struggling with ulcerative colitis.
It’s time to get control of this thing and start moving your life forward in a more positive direction and out of the pain, fear, loneliness and confusion of ulcerative colitis.
Click the link above and let me know you’re ready to get serious, work with an experienced coach and get your ulcerative colitis under control.