This is an exciting – and a bit scary – post to be writing! I guess this would be the “official” announcement that my original, self-published eBook “The Paleo Dieter’s Missing Link” is going to be available as a real-deal, traditionally published hardcover book in November of 2013! Back in January, I signed on with […]
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You Can’t Start Earlier Than NOW…
“Make Haste Slowly” -Stuart McRobert in “Beyond Brawn” It’s a funny thing when you look back on the last year or so of your life and say: “What the fuck was I thinking?” The last year has been a blur of stress and activity. At least half of that stress was the final “clean up” […]
Taking This Paleo Life Seriously…
Sooner or later, I think the quest for good health removes us from mainstream society. Not all at once, but slowly. Each individual needs to decide how far he or she wants to take this, of course, but my path seems to be moving me more and more toward the “fringe.” I’ve said in the […]
Feelings are Warnings…
It was 2004 and I was having another negative interaction with my boss. I was working for my third failing biotech company in a row, in the failing economy, and I was surrounded by unhappy, negative, unhealthy people. I needed a raise. I deserved a raise. I was more than a year overdue for a […]
Going On A Diet vs. Building A Life…
The fact that the Paleo diet is getting so popular and well known is a good thing. Sort of. It’s good because people are getting exposed to a very healthy, intelligent diet. With that, they’re also being exposed to things like lifestyle changes, local and organic food, pastured meats and sensible, functional movement. It’s bad […]
Surviving in Our Age of Digital Distraction…
Slaying the Digital Dragon… No, I’m not getting into computer games. I’m not turning into a World of Warcraft nerd. What I am doing is making a stand against the “non-Paleo-ness” of the modern world. I can’t stand it anymore and I’m leaving the building… On an evolutionary note, you could think of it this […]